
Aljehad & Madajen Alzerba Camps -6 months project (2019 -2020)

Idlib Governorate Projects 

BRS has established 35 latrines caravans in Idelp Governorate, which is each caravan contain 5 individual latrines (1 for people with disabilities) with 3 hand washing basin, ramps, Stairs, water tank, doors, windows, locks which each caravan connected to septic tank which BRD empty it periodically, those 35 caravans provided with chlorinated water, soaps and BRD cleaning those caravans in daily basis through cash for work. 

Has provided the people who are living in those camps with 300 water tanks which BRD providing the chlorinated water in a daily basis for 5 months. 

BRD conducted 10 to 12 hygiene promotion sessions per day for the people who are living in those camps as well as hygiene campaigns with distributing the brochures, Awareness flyers and drama. 

BRD has distributed 1471 hygiene kits which contain toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, washing powder, washing liquid, shaving razor..etc 

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