التدريبية الإعلامية الثانية في فندق توجان، بإشراف المدرب المحترف إبراهيم حسين
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second media training course, under the supervision of the professional trainer Ibrahim Hussein

Smile Of Peace charity, in collaboration with the Canadian Council, continues its second media training course at Tujan Hotel, under the supervision of the professional trainer Ibrahim Hussein.This course aligns with the overall project goal of developing media skills and understanding the professional and ethical guidelines for media editing in conflict-affected areas. It places particular…

Promoting Ethical Journalism for Peacebuilding and conflict prevention in Southern Syra

Promoting Ethical Journalism for Peacebuilding and conflict prevention in Southern Syria

With the support of the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives and as part of the project “Promoting Ethical Journalism for Peacebuilding and conflict prevention in Southern Syria” Basma organized a dialogue forum on “Professional and Ethical Standards of Media and their Role in the Current Circumstances in the Region” This forum took place on the…