478653681 629494819771808 6584771184999693189 n

Physical therapy – SPC

We are honored to announce our progress in the physical therapy initiative that was launched with the aim of improving the lives of our patients by providing physical therapy with the highest quality standards. 👐

*We continue our commitment to achieving the goals of the initiative and standing by our patients at all times. With your support, we are able to achieve continuous improvements and provide the best for everyone.

Smile of Peace Charity – SPC

#Awafi#Health Association



477832471 629494496438507 3555981531429592469 n
Physical therapy - SPC 6
478068709 629494766438480 8445826801805732669 n
Physical therapy - SPC 7
479294263 629494699771820 8655671837985472671 n
Physical therapy - SPC 8

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